A Dynamic Sponsorship Program that Puts Your Money Where Your Heart (and Mouth) Is

For 23 years One Dozen Who Care, Inc. has held fast to its mission to educate, empower and encourage leadership through partnership. The programs and events have benefitted youth, women, veterans, and the elderly community just to name a few.

The pandemic has re-written the script for so many organizations – but not necessarily that of ODWC. The mission remains the same. The execution of objectives leading to our goals and vision is shifting to adapt to our current realities – and that’s a good thing! In addition to our anticipated event, the Multicultural Women’s Development Conference, Purel Miller African American Book Club & Reading Challenge, and the ODWC-Prescott Scholarship, ODWC, Inc. will be launching Multicultural Women’s Development Programs focused on expanding training programs and consultation services for entrepreneurs, new and existing small business owners, and enterprising individuals.

To help support these programs, ODWC, Inc. is now offering SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES to individuals, businesses and organizations who take their Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR seriously. But, what is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility and You

People today are more aware of how businesses and organizations handle their social responsibility – whether toward individuals, communities, or issues. And people are more likely to shop where they know their interests are being supported, their values are being considered.

CSR represents the culture of a business, its disposition to prove that it is intersted in more than profits, but in the rich potential of a community given the right opportunities. CSR proves that an organization is interested in the development, growth, and sustainability of communities, not just in consumers.

To that end, ODWC has created a dynamic sponsorship program for individuals, businesses and organizations that want to show that they are meaningfully and authentically INVOLVED in, ENGAGED with, COMMITTED to, and INVESTED in One Dozen Who Care’s ongoing mission to educate, empower, and encourage economic development in the communities we serve.


Your organization will be included in our media materials according to indicated by the Tier Schedule below. Whether it is your logo, your name, an @mention in our print, online, or video media assets, your visibility will demonstrate your Corporate Social Responsibility and give you the social clout you deserve.

Are you ready to get INVOLVED, ENGAGED, COMMITTED or INVESTED? Fill out the form below and we will get the process underway.

2 + 11 =

© 2023 All rights reserved. One Dozen Who Care Inc is a non-profit 501c3 corporation | Mail: PO Box 1044, Andrews,  NC 28901 | (828) 557-9702 | Email us

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